University of California, San Diego:

Muslim Student Association

UCSD Open Campus: MSA Ice Cream and Soda Social

We had a great time, we talked about everything from: Dancing chickens attached on keychains, to today's great San Diego weather, to the Intifada. The students discussed what they considered a successful campaign to bring "awareness" to UC San Diego students about issues sympathetic with the Palestinian struggle for independence. These photos are of the spring of 2001. Even before September 11th occurred there was a heated debate on campus about the legitimacy of Israeli rule in what many consider Palestine. The students talked about the "success" of a radical public relations campaign called "Anti-Zionist" week. Many students of Jewish descent stopped at the tables angry at the name of the campaign. Heated debates ensued quickly, and for the first time, this Mexican American girl truly learned about what poitics were actually alive on campus. The Muslim student Association, made headlines that spring on our student paper, called The Guardian, even before September 11th. The UCSD campus.

Nina & Zulma Voting for UCSD Elections

IceCream and Laughs

Eating IceCream and Subway



Muslim Student Association Ice Cream Social

MSA Ice Cream Social

MSA Ladies Socializing

MSA Newsletter

MSA Smiles.JPG


MSA Thumbs UP

Muslim Student Association


Nina MSA

Nina and DaGirls

Nina and Social

Nina & Zulma @ MSA Social

San Diego Padres R Good

The Blurr

WheresDaChicken that dances at your command? (inside Joke)

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Last Updated: September 27, 2004
